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I’ve been writing a summary of each chapter in my soon to be released book, “Stretched: Build Your Yoga Business, Grow Your Teaching Techniques,” for the past week and we’re now up to the teaching chapters. The book is divided into a business and teaching section and then ends with specialty chapters and an appendix of worksheets, spreadsheets and forms you can customize to track various indicators for your business.

This next chapter, Essential Tips for Teaching, really could be a book all on its own. Since many of those that read the book will have gone through basic 200 hour teacher training, I thought it might be helpful to pull together some of the highlights of  the skills needed for teaching. Often when you go through a training, there’s SO much information, when you try to apply it in those first few months it can be overwhelming. So, here I pulled together a great deal of content that I’ve provided in trainings, blog posts and articles for websites to whom I contribute. I focus on several topics: safety, sequencing, building connection and then delve into some of the qualities that I’ve found in teachers who inspire me.

When you think about it, the key elements of teaching have to do with things like sequencing, safety, building connection and being your best, most authentic self. None of that means it has to be complicated; it just means that it needs to be real, focused, clear and impactful. As we all continue to teach, we learn what is essential to us to keep and what can be tossed. In the beginning, it can feel like it’s hard to discern between those two ideas but hopefully, this chapter will help.

The bottom line is this: regardless of how long you’ve been teaching, THE most essential thing to bring to class is yourself, in the most truthful, authentic way. Whether you’ve been teaching for a day, a year or over 10 years, that will always be the best thing you can bring to your teaching.

One additional note: the book is completely done but I’m working on refining the cover. I hope to have it completed within the next 2 weeks and ready for sale!

Next Up: Chapter 10, Essential Assisting Tips