
Since I’m close to releasing my self-published book, “Stretched: Build Your Yoga Business, Grow Your Teaching Techniques,” I thought I’d start to blog about each chapter. This will give you an idea of the content of the book and the focus of each chapter.

The first chapter is called, “Selecting a Teacher Training Program that is Right for You.” I thought I’d start here because this is the point at which all teachers begin: with the selection of a basic training program. There are so many programs now and new programs springing up every day so this choice is not at easy at looks. But I’ve found that the essence of what you teach should be rooted in what you love to practice; both in style, philosophy and technique. One of the great reservoirs of content for you, as a teacher, is from your own practice. The sensations in your body, the emphasis you place on different actions, the struggles you may feel in a particular pose. It’s not that you’ll be talking about YOU when you teach but your own experience will give you a starting point, many times, for what you say. So, from that perspective, selecting a training that focuses on the style, type (and teacher also) that you love would be a great choice.

These days, even if you’ve never met the teacher that is conducting the training, you can still familiarize yourself with him or her through online classes and DVDs. Many teachers offer both as a way to extend their reach and for anyone interested in learning more about their teaching style, these (low cost) options are ideal.

There are more factors to consider when making a selection and this chapter will review each one. Unless you have unlimited time and money, investing both in a teacher training program is a pretty major decision and one that should be made with careful consideration of a number of factors. I hope this chapter will help guide you if you’re  starting to consider this for you.

Next Up: Chapter 2: Understanding the Yoga Teaching Industry.