By Karen Fabian
A Post-Basic Training Guide to Help You Build a Career as a Yoga Teacher
According to a 2013 report, the Yoga and Pilates industry has grown into a $7 billion dollar marketplace. Well-known, mainstream brands now package the yoga experience from end to end. And yet, according to yoga teacher and author Karen Fabian, this mega-industry is filled with independent teachers whose basic training in teaching is undercut by the dearth of concrete info about the realities of yoga teaching as a full time career.
Consider that while teachers typically receive 200 hours of basic training, the business aspects of being a yoga teacher often are not discussed, notes Fabian, author of STRETCHED: Build Your Yoga Business, Grow Your Teaching Techniques. Teaching can be an isolating experience and new teachers may lack a mentor, or the funds necessary to take targeted training to fill in their knowledge gaps.
A Boston-based yoga teacher since 2002, Fabian knows well the labyrinthine ins and outs of the yoga business, having created a yoga start-up herself, Bare Bones Yoga, after teaching for several years for well-known teacher Baron Baptiste and others. The truth about teaching yoga she says, is that the realities of the job often only become apparent after you’ve been teaching for a while. In STRETCHED, Fabian guides readers through both business and teaching topics and provides detailed tools and templates for tracking leads, revenue and other key business performance indicators.
The larger goal, she says, is to help teachers make informed choices and healthy transitions if and when they do decide to shift from their current job to a full-time career as a yoga teacher.
There are hundreds of programs that provide basic training. But as an industry we need to do more to educate teachers on the business aspects of teaching yoga, especially for those that wish to make this a full time career. We need to make the pay scale, the benefits and the process of finding a job more transparent during initial training programs so teachers have a greater understanding of what’s involved. If not, people will continue to romanticize the idea of being a yoga teacher with little knowledge around what’s really involved in making this your full time career.
- Written by Karen Fabian, Certified and Registered Yoga Teacher based in Boston, teaching since 2002
- First book to combine post-basic training guidance for yoga teachers, both on the business and teaching side of the career
- Actual worksheets, spreadsheets and tools provided which the reader can customize
- Practical support and information that can be used by yoga teachers to build an Independent business
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In this book, you will be presented with an overview of some of the key concepts of anatomy as they apply to teaching yoga. One of the hardest things to do is to decide just what these key concepts are. When asked, every teacher will select different anatomical concepts on which to focus. We have to begin somewhere, so we’ll start with a discussion of general concepts and then begin to uncover some of the details. Note that you don’t necessarily need an existing in-depth knowledge of anatomy in order to benefit from reading this book!
As we learn more about the application of anatomy to yoga, it becomes more apparent that there is a need for both teachers and practitioners to understand at least some of the basics about the body, its anatomy and how it’s impacted when we practice. Understanding basic anatomy can help us avoid reinforcing unhealthy patterns of movement and help to create new muscle memories that reinforce healthy alignment.
If you enjoy learning anatomy and applying it to your teaching, you already know that it’s a lifelong process not only to learn anatomy but to stay updated on the different aspects of anatomy as it relates to yoga.
Let’s begin.
Structure and Spirit
The study of anatomy as it pertains to yoga can give us valuable information about the structure of each pose as well as how to understand what’s happening under the skin with the bones, joints and muscles. But yoga is an expression of one’s individuality as well as creativity, heart and soul. With that in mind, Yoga Teacher and Author Karen Fabian has written a book exploring key anatomical themes as well as themes of spirit and personal development. The book is filled with journaling exercises as well so as to help the reader apply these concepts to his or her own life.
Understanding the Why Behind the Cues
Available For Kindle
Yoga teachers are often taught the cues to use when teaching but often miss the rationale behind the cue. This lies in understanding the anatomy and anatomy is always a challenging subject for teachers to learn. In this e-book, you’ll learn a system for decoding cues to understand the anatomical rationale behind them. In learning this system, you’ll be able to reveal any blind spots you have in your knowledge and with that new knowledge, will be able to make better choices around future trainings you invest in. Teachers often take general trainings, hoping to improve their anatomy knowledge or take highly complex trainings in anatomy and in both cases, leave feeling as if they still lack the tactical and practical skill of how to apply anatomy to the cues. As teachers build their anatomy knowledge, they find their confidence grows as well as their impact. They no longer feel like they’re repeating what they were told; they’re speaking for themselves. This allows them to have more freedom, confidence, better skills around answering student questions, working with students privately, helping students modify and learning how to teach safe classes. While this book isn’t one to teach you all the involved anatomy, learning this system will highlight what gaps you need to fill. This will inform your future choices around training programs so you’re set up for better success and ultimately feeling closer to that vision you have of yourself as a teacher.
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