The Bare Bones Yoga Blog & Podcast Episodes

Musings on yoga, anatomy, teachings skills, podcast episodes and more!

Take Your Power Back (Podcast Episode 337)

When yoga teachers tell me they want to feel “confident” and then they share the things that aren’t working for them, the things that are getting in the way of feeling “confident,” what it often relates to is giving their power away. What this often looks like is...

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Meet Linda Ugelow (Podcast Episode 334)

Ever get nervous when you walk into the yoga studio to teach your class? This is a pretty common feeling and one that can be pretty uncomfortable. What if you could move past your nervous feelings, even your fear, by better understanding it? This is what you’ll learn...

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Meet Andrew Singer (Podcast Episode 336)

Ever considering teaching in a different city or even a different country? In this episode, you’ll meet yoga teacher and studio owner, Andrew Singer. Andrew is the founder of Flying Tree Yoga in Medellin, Colombia and while he was born and raised in the UK, in 2014,...

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Meet Erin Kenney (Podcast Episode 335)

Ever get confused over what to eat and what makes up a healthy diet? With so much information out there, it’s easy to get confused. In today’s episode, get out of that state of confusion and start to get informed about the key steps you can take, starting now, to...

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Discover the Confidence Practice (Podcast Episode 332)

In today’s episode, you’ll discover an easy way to build your confidence. Now, you might think this is just for yoga teachers because that is my main audience but this is for anyone, especially women. In this episode, you’ll learn why I’m expanding my message and how...

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Boston, MA