Have you ever shown up to teach your yoga class and there’s one person signed up? How do you feel when that happens? This seems to be an interesting question for teachers: Do you teach a class where there’s just one person in it?
I’ve had this happen to me over the years a few times and at first, I made it all about me. “Why aren’t there more people? This means I’m not popular. No one wants to come to my class.” These ideas were also reinforced by my first teacher saying to us in teacher training, “People vote with their feet.” So between the bubbling up of my own feelings of doubt and worthiness, I had that to contend with too. Great.
The funny thing is that every time that I taught these classes, for just that one person that showed up, it was an amazing experience! I had a chance to really customize the practice for the student. They had a chance to ask questions along the way. That totally changed the dynamic from one of just me, hearing my own voice, to one of a collaboration between two people looking for the same thing: Better health for the student.
Sure, I know.. you’re saying, “But it’s not worth my time to teach to one student! What about the travel to the studio? What about the time spent? I am supposed to be reimbursed in part, based on head count. It’s just not worth it.”
All those things might be true. I can recall driving an hour once to teach a workshop that I had marketed quite a bit, as had the studio, and only one person showed up. Even though my initial reaction was dismay, again, as per usual, it turned out to be an amazing class and that person still is connected to me via social media and has attended other classes I’ve had since then.
The bottom line is this: yes, people vote with their feet. But there are SO many more variables that go into how many people will show up for your class. The time of the class, location, time of year (have you seen how class attendance drops in the summer?), weather.. it ALL has an impact. And, furthermore, who says that if you have less than some arbitrary number of people that’s a reflection on YOU? It might have nothing to do with you and everything to do with all the factors above.
Now, of course, the one factor to consider is the cost to running a yoga class for one person. Studios need to make money to sustain themselves and if classes consistently only have one or two people then it’s important they take a look at what can be done to improve the situation. But it might not have anything to do with the teacher.
Whenever I have one person in a class, be it online or in person, I always say to myself, “I’m so grateful this person is here. It took something energetically to get them to show up. I want to show up too; to be the best version of myself I can be, to share yoga with them in a way that lights them up and allows them to experience it fully.” Once I say that to myself and really feel it inside, it totally changes my perspective and I’m ready to begin. And at the end of class, I always feel amazing, connected to source and confident in the knowledge that I love teaching yoga. How can you make these scenarios less about you and more about the person who showed up?
How about you? How do you feel about this topic? Comment below.
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I am a Therapeutic Yoga Instructor at the YMCA. So honestly , this has never happened to me because those coming are members of the Y. But, I have always said, I would teach one or a hundred!
I average 35/40 a class.
And, I have my specialty classes for cancer survivors, Parkinson and MS.
I love what I do and watching the progress of those who never thought they could participate!
Dee Dee, that’s amazing and such a wonderful niche you are in! So glad you love what you do! I’m sure your students love it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Karen
I have a question – as a brand new yoga instructor this literally happened to me this morning, teaching my very first class.
I mostly did the class with her as it felt strange to stand there and instruct just her. She felt a bit shy as she hasn’t practiced in a while, so I felt she opened up more when we did the poses together.
What would you do in this situation? Any advice much appreciated!
Heidi, hello! So, it sounds like it was perfect just the way you did it! I have done the same thing sometimes, meaning, doing a little practice w/ the person especially if I sense that they are feeling a little awkward that they are the only student. I also say, ” I love that you’re here for a surprise private session! Tell me: What kinds of poses do you want to know more about?” If they have certain things, that gives us something to focus on. If not, I encourage them to ask questions along the way. There’s no right or wrong way for this sort of thing. I’m super glad you went with your instinct and it worked out great! Thanks for writing! Karen
I researched last night for an answer to this question as I’ve been teaching a 10pm yin that is hard to get signups for – especially this time of year as people are already in their homes so early thanks to daylight saving time. This inspired me to show up in a different light, because the one gal that showed up was excited about it, you could tell. I love teaching this class because those who commit to a 10pm class are usually the ones needing something deeper and more intentional. I want to always be able to meet them there. I’m so glad I kept the class as usual – we ended up having great pre and post-class convo and she told me she can’t wait to come back next week. Thank you Karen!
Eliza, this is so awesome!!! I’m so glad you showed up and you helped that person beyond what you can ever imagine! Good for you! Thanks foor sharing! Karen
Im so glad to see and read your comments about class size. Its a funny thing amongst teachers and it often does seems a popularity game. That is not the yoga I was introduced to. I too have have had small class sizes and one faithful dedicated student who always shows up. I always show up for my students and plan ahead with a them. poems and inspiration. I said it before and Ill say it again, I love teaching private yoga sessions so I have embraced this happening.
Thanks for sharing. Its so good to connect.
Hi Marilyn, so glad this hit home for you and you’re already doing great work in this area! Yes, we CAN re-frame how we see it when “just” one person shows up and give them the best class ever! Great to connect with you! Karen