Anyone that knows me, knows that pink is my favorite color. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved it. Funny, that I’ve never gotten a pink yoga mat ( note to self: buy one!) With Valentine’s Day coming up, there’s a lot of pink out there and I love it. Roses, pink, red, tulips in pretty shades of red.. I love it all, and not for the commercial reasons you might think. I just love seeing my favorite color. It gives me comfort and can calm me when I’m stressed. It makes me smile and reminds me of being a kid. It’s pretty and soothing and is cheerful.
When I teach kids, once they get to be around 4, I try to get them to be in shavasana (final resting pose) for at least a minute. It’s always a challenge because they can barely sit still, let alone lie down. But I usually bring them into a circle and we all put our toes in the middle and then lie down so we look like spokes in a wheel. Once we’re down, I give them something to do and it’s usually to “close your eyes and think of your favorite color.” It’s really quite cute because as soon as I say that, they each start yelling out “Blue!” ” Pink!” “Yellow!” I have to remind them that I want them to “think” about it without speaking it. This is always very challenging. After a minute or two, we get up and I go around the circle and each child gets to tell us their favorite color. It’s such a basic concept but one that every child understands.
I have lots of pink around my desk area and it makes my work more pleasant to do. I’m a big fan of Hello Kitty and of course, her colors are pink and red. If you don’t have something of your favorite color around your work area, find a few things and see how it can change your mood.