When I do trainings with new teachers, often I get questions about how to shift from full time (regular, non-yoga work) to teaching as a full time career. These days, there are a number of teachers making the shift but not always a lot of teachers doing it right. “Doing it right” is really quite variable, depending on your personal (financial, mostly) circumstance but there are quite a few things you can start out asking yourself and the first thing is:

  • What do you see in your mind’s eye when you think about working as a full time yoga teacher?
  • Are you running from studio to studio? Do you own a studio? Do you teach privates? Children? In hospitals? The good news is there are SO many ways to build a yoga business but the first step is to BEGIN with the END in MIND (thank you, author, Stephen Covey).

I run through all the basics in this video called 16 Tips to Start a Yoga Business. Catch it here. 

Once you go through it, write me with the specific questions you have and I’d be happy to help you start to map things out.

Feel free to add any comments you have below or questions as well.


Thanks for watching!