There are lots of things that are uncertain these days. The economy is the biggest thing that comes to mind; for many, there is the loss of a job or the impending loss of a job; there are the fluctuations of the stock market, the daily, sometimes hourly, reports about employment and then there are the daily struggles of all of us, as we work to pinch pennies and make it through.
These kinds of times can be trying and exhausting. They can take their toll on our health, our sense of security. They can divert our attention from being present to being ever focused on the future. Ultimately, they can lead to tremendous stress.
I was thinking the other day that in the midst of all that creates stress for me, there are things that I know. Things that are true, things that will remain, no matter what changes outside of me. And I thought in order to create a sense of grounding for myself, I’d write them down (this is what I often do; I’m a bona fide list maker).
So here is my list. I encourage you to make your own too and look at it when you feel like you need grounding.
· I know that I’m strong and my body is healthy. While this may change over time (hopefully, I’ll always be generally healthy), I know I will practice yoga and run for a long time.
· I know that I’m creative and that creativity can serve to not only keep me light-hearted but also can also help me when things require I think out of the box.
· I know my parents love me and no matter what crazy idea I come up with, they will support me.
· I know that when things get really tough, I have my breath and my yoga practice to keep me from completely losing it.
· I know that I have some really great friends that will support me and step up if I need them.
· I’m smart and experienced and can use that in a variety of ways to make money.
· I know that if things get really bad, all I have to do is go to the beach and I’ll feel better.
· I know she won’t be around forever, but as long as she lives, my dog Bailey Rose will be my strength, my inspiration and one of the best cuddlers around.
· I know that kids and animals will always make me smile.
· I know that with hard work and dedication, I can do anything I want.
· While I don’t know what the future might hold for me, I know what I want my future to look like and the more I see it, the more I believe in it.
· I know that the more I want things to be the same, the more I create stress for myself because things are always changing. The more I can accept that, the greater my chances of making peace with what is.
So, go ahead! Make your list. What kind of things do you know to be true, no matter what?