Hello, and WELCOME to Conversations for Yoga Teachers! I’m your host, Karen Fabian and this is EPISODE 30!


This is just a quick episode, designed to spark conversation about one of the mainstay, fundamental poses we do in almost every class: Warrior 1.


Think about it. Have you ever taught a regular flow class and NOT included a Warrior 1? Probably not. It’s important to understand what’s happening in the pose and have some alternatives in your back pocket that you can offer up. However, it’s even MORE helpful if you know the anatomy behind WHY the pose is such a challenge. For that, you’ll have to listen to the podcast.


Now, on the podcast, I mention that THIS WEEK ONLY my flagship training program on anatomy called YOUR YOGA ANATOMY BLUEPRINT is open for enrollment. I tell you more in the episode and to see all the details, click here:

Your Yoga Anatomy Blueprint