When we think about our tools as a teacher, we’ve got what we say, what we do, the sequence we offer, how present we are as we’re teaching and how we set up the room. Those are only a handful; we’ve also got whether or not we demonstrate as we teach or assist our students. Having said all that, the main tool we have is our voice and how we choose to use it. We’ve basically got WHAT we say and HOW we say it.

  • The “what” is the cues.
  • The “how” covers how we use our voice.. the pace, volume and the use of silence.

Over the past week, I’ve made a few videos focusing on cuing. The first one covers cues for Sun Salutation A and you can see it by clicking here. 





The second video covers how to cue Sun Salutation B and you can see that video here. 





The third video covers cues for twisting poses and you can watch that one here. 





In each of these videos, I mention my online class which, along with being longer (60 min) gives you a deeper dive into not only cues but anatomy. You can get the class for just $10 on Vimeo right here.

I’d love to know what other topics you’d like to see covered in future videos, so please comment here.

Thanks for reading!