by Karen Fabian | Oct 2, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
I’m always amazed by how many people think yoga blocks are for beginners. In many of the conversations I have with students, they think that the blocks have something to do with ability. Or, in other cases, they just don’t understand why it would make...
by Karen Fabian | Sep 25, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
Think about what you do all day. And then think about how you first position yourself when you go into yoga class. If you’re a teacher, think about the most common pose you most likely start your classes with, if not initially, certainly after maybe one or two...
by Karen Fabian | Sep 18, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
Whenever I write an article about yoga anatomy these days, I like to start out with a bit of a disclaimer. First: I’m not a doctor (shocking). Second: Everyone’s body is different (shocking again). Third: Not every cue has to be applied the same way to...
by Karen Fabian | Sep 4, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
I went to dinner the other night with some friends and as often does, the topic of “staying healthy” came up. The group knew I was a yoga teacher so the conversation shifted specifically to “what you need to do to stay healthy” in terms...
by Karen Fabian | Aug 14, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
I remember all the training I received as a new teacher on assisting. There was quite a bit of “hands on” and while there was a distinction between the different kinds of assists you could give, there was an emphasis on “getting...
by Karen Fabian | Aug 7, 2017 | anatomy, Anatomy Stories
As a teacher focusing primarily on anatomy, I like to challenge myself to find ways to present this complicated topic in easy-to-follow ways so people can learn how to integrate anatomy into not only their yoga practice but all that they do. That might seem like a...