by Karen Fabian | Jul 17, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
I recently asked my Bare Bones Yoga Anatomy Facebook group about topics they’d like to see covered in webinars, blog posts and other content. One of the things that came up in from a few different people was the topic of sequencing: “Practical sequences...
by Karen Fabian | Jul 8, 2017 | Anatomy Stories, Uncategorized
I recently taught a private session with a woman who recently had a surgery to fuse two of the vertebra in her neck. Every once in a while, I get requests for privates from students that either have had surgery or are working with an injury. There are a...
by Karen Fabian | Jun 30, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
There are a lot of cues that people hear in yoga class where they may not know exactly what the teacher expects them to do. I had a conversation the other day and the person said, “I never really understand what “scissoring the thighs” means in...
by Karen Fabian | Jun 5, 2017 | Anatomy Stories, Structure and Spirit
There are lots of movements we make in a one hour yoga practice. One of the significant benefits of yoga as a form of exercise is that it requires we move through all planes of the body. This isn’t always found in all kinds of exercise (think: running,...
by Karen Fabian | May 22, 2017 | Anatomy Stories
I just recently sat for and passed the Certified Personal Trainer Exam and now am a CPT as well as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher. I’m really excited to pass the test and while it was hard, I was fascinated by the study material (books, online courses)....
by Karen Fabian | May 15, 2017 | Anatomy Stories, Structure and Spirit
When you teach yoga, you’re cueing people on several of the key anatomical movements they need to do in order to create the shapes that are the yoga poses. For many teachers new to learning anatomy, these cues are tied up in learning and understanding...