by Karen Fabian | Sep 28, 2017 | Teaching Moment
Every day, I read another article about the yoga industry (granted, my social media feed is filled with them).  One day, it’s an article about a celebrity who’s decided that “yoga is her thing” and she’s going to create her own...
by Karen Fabian | Aug 28, 2017 | Teaching Moment
I polled my Facebook page and my FB anatomy workgroup page a few weeks back and asked for questions from teachers. One of the questions was, “How do I know I”m teaching clearly and effectively?” It also included a few other questions, “How to...
by Karen Fabian | Aug 21, 2017 | Teaching Moment
A few weeks ago, I asked the people in my Facebook group on anatomy as well as my Facebook page, “What topics are you concerned about when it comes to yoga teaching?” One of the themes that came up a few times was the theme of building confidence as a...
by Karen Fabian | Jun 12, 2017 | Structure and Spirit, Teaching Moment
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” Nelson Mandela The above quote really hit home for me when, last year, I led a yoga retreat in Tulum, Mexico at a resort...
by Karen Fabian | Apr 3, 2017 | Teaching Moment, Uncategorized
Did you ever ask a new student in your class their reason for trying yoga? I have. A lot over the years. And in almost every case, people have said, “I need to be more flexible.” While this is one aspect of practice for sure, it’s not the only...
by Karen Fabian | Mar 26, 2017 | Teaching Moment
Think about something that terrifies you. Okay, maybe not “terrifies” but think of something that makes your stomach tie up in nervous knots. Maybe giving a presentation or going to the doctor but teaching a yoga class? Well, it’s true. Many teachers...