What's the deal with wheel?

Sometimes I get emails from students when they are able to do Wheel Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana, for the first time. There’s something about that particular yoga pose that seems to have a symbolic meaning. When I’m in class, I know it’s coming and...

Top 10 Reasons People Don't do Yoga: De BUNKED!

In my experience as a yoga student and teacher, I’ve run across a number of reasons why people avoid taking a yoga class. I thought it might be fun (and helpful) to list out what I’ve heard and to try to debunk some of these excuses. Take a read and let me know...

What's in a name?

I’ve had a few conversations in the past week or so from people who were thinking of coming to take my class but didn’t. When I asked why, they said they weren’t sure they were physically ready or able to do a power yoga class. There were some other thoughts...

What did the teacher just say?

I was teaching a yoga class the other day and started referring to things in “yogic terms,” which is to say, I was using yoga “terminology” and using Sanskrit words. Teaching is rather like having a long conversation with yourself, and you hope that somewhere...