by Karen Fabian | Oct 8, 2021 | Yoga training
I made a Reel the other day on Instagram about a meaningful moment I had teaching a few years back. I call it a “meaningful moment” because it’s one of those times you have a conversation with a student and you never forget it. They’re usually...
by Karen Fabian | Oct 1, 2021 | Yoga training
During the pandemic, especially at the beginning of the lockdown in March, 2020, I attended a lot of online webinars. Because I’m both a Registered Yoga Teacher and a Certified Personal Trainer, I was going through quite a bit of content shared by both...
by Karen Fabian | Sep 7, 2021 | Yoga training
Hey there, yoga teacher! When was the last time you had a question about anatomy? Maybe it was a cue you heard and you weren’t sure of the rationale for it. Maybe a student asked you a question about the hip or the knee and you weren’t sure how to answer....
by Karen Fabian | Aug 22, 2021 | Anatomy Stories, Yoga training
I was in a business training a few years ago for entrepreneurs and the presenter was talking about how you can clearly communicate what your brand offers. He used a process called a “framework” as a schematic to illustrate the different ares of a...
by Karen Fabian | Aug 13, 2021 | Inspiration, Yoga training
I can remember many years ago, when I was just starting out as a teacher, I was asked for an interview. A local reporter was looking for people who had left their corporate job to pursue their passion and I qualified, having recently left a consulting job to teach...
by Karen Fabian | Apr 24, 2016 | Teaching Moment, Yoga training
There’s no denying that I’m a teacher that loves to focus on anatomy. As teachers, we have a number of choices from which to choose when it comes to our focus. At one point, I started to worry, “What if I’m driving my students nuts with all...