A while back, I wrote a blog post about distributing the effort and the weight of Downward Dog and Low Push Up so that the wrists don’t take the full brunt of the pose:Â
Distribute the Effort in Downward Dog and Low Push Up
Well, today, I did the blog post one better by making two videos that bring the concepts to life.
The first video covers how to relieve wrist pressure in Downward Facing Dog:
Help for the Wrists in Downward Facing Dog
The second video is about how to move into Low Push Up with key actions to also preserve the wrists and help build strength:
Do You Feel Like You’re Collapsing in Low Push Up?
I hope these 2 videos and blog post help you create greater integrity, comfort and strength in these poses.
For more like this, check out my online courses on the anatomy of yoga here:
Bare Bones Yoga online anatomy courses
…and you can download my free e book on yoga anatomy here:
Key Aspects of Anatomy for Yoga Teachers
Thanks for reading!