Ready to assist your students in yoga class but not sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve been experimenting with assisting your students and you feel uncomfortable and you’re not sure you’re doing it in a way that’s helpful for your students. In either case, this episode is for you! Here you’ll discover some fundamental concepts for assisting your students and a step by step list of factors to consider. You’ll also hear how assisting has changed in 2025 from years ago when assists were given without getting the consent of the student. In today’s times, it’s essential that we get the approval and consent of the student before we put our hands on them. Studios have a variety of ways they get consent; some use a card at the mat, some ask students to raise their hands, some teachers get consent one by one in the moment of approaching the student. This episode is less about how you get the consent and more about the idea of getting it and how that’s now part of the fabric of how we teach.
You’ll get a full list of actions to take and you’ll also get an opportunity to receive a workshop replay on this exact topic, which was covered in a live workshop taught on 3/14/25. To get a copy of the replay, DM me on Instagram for it.
You’ll hear about the Yoga Teacher Confidence Club and what you can gain by joining it. Use this link to join:
You’ll also hear about a special offer to learn anatomy, so listen all the way to the end for the special code words that unlock your discount.