Hello, and WELCOME to the Bare Bones Yoga Podcast: Conversations for Yoga Teachers! This is EPISODE 4 and today we’re going to dive DEEP in the mind. We’re taking about “ways of being” as a theme and what “ways of being” you’re BEING as a yoga teacher. I’m going to start out by asking you some questions aimed at getting you to connect to how you feel when you teach. These questions are meant to get to the heart and soul of what drives you as you teach, even more than what techniques you use, what cues you offer, what sequences you teach and what poses are involved. It’s meant to be an exploration of what you consider to be your identity as a teacher.

I’ll then describe certain “ways of being” as a yoga teacher and I’ll go into strategies you can use to help you better connect to these ideas and concepts as you continue to grow as a teacher. This episode needs your input! Meaning, I really want to know what you think when you listen. So leave a comment on i tunes, podbean or on my website’s podcast page. Let me know!

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