This blog is in my website and my website is about me. One of the things that has been a part of me for the past 15 and 1/2 years is my dog, my yellow lab, Bailey Rose. Maybe some of you have seen her pictures peppering my social media posts. She was the best dog ever and was always there for me. Over the past several months, she was deteriorating and without going into all the details, she could barely walk or stand.
Today, she died peacefully with me and her favorite pink piggy by her side. I have never known a love like I knew for this dog and never have known the heartbreak and anguish over her loss. Through yoga, we learn that everything is impermanent and we learn to stay in the present, but nothing ever prepares us for the pain of loss like this.
I have learned yoga with BR by my side, have been divorced, moved, started teaching, wrote my book and lived with her through good times and bad. She was always there for me, with an unconditional love I could not believe. Even as she was struggling, she always was there for me and was always the light in my life.
I will always love you Bailey Rose and will never forget you.