Today, I’m going to give you a short primer on fascia, the body’s connective tissue matrix. Now, just to put it into further context, there is an ENTIRE MODULE on fascia in my online course as I prep for a July 2019 launch of the course. So, this little snippet here is your audio introduction to fascia but know that in the course, this topic is expanded upon even more AND the piece I can’t give you here, because it’s audio only, is the visual. This part is SO important to learning how to keep the fascia healthy AND how to show your students techniques they can use, using MFR balls. ALL THAT and MORE is included in the course.

So for now, we’ll start with this brief introduction and know that I’ve got you covered when my flagship course on anatomy launches in July. Now, I want you to remember that ALL of this content is included in a FREE download so you don’t have to worry about keeping this all straight. Just grab the download here:


Learning about fascia will give you a more full and complete understanding of the body and give you more confidence around sharing it.


Let’s dive in and leave a comment when you’re done!