Ever get nervous when you walk into the yoga studio to teach your class? This is a pretty common feeling and one that can be pretty uncomfortable. What if you could move past your nervous feelings, even your fear, by better understanding it? This is what you’ll learn when you listen to today’s show, my interview with Linda Ugelow, a speaking confidence and vocal coach and author of the book, Delight in the Limelight. Formerly stricken with public speaking fear herself, she now helps entrepreneurs and professionals transform their experience of speaking from dread to delight whether online or on stage, in the media, or in the meeting room.
Linda holds a master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapy/Movement Studies and performed internationally for four decades with the women’s world music group, Libana, as a singer, bassist, percussionist, and principal dancer. She hosts the podcast Delight in the Limelight to inspire and empower individuals on their journey to confident self-expression.
You can connect with Linda here:
One other thing: If you’re looking to feel more confident when you teach yoga, get my free download on Ten Steps to Confident Teaching here:
And, as I share in the episode, you might also like getting LIVE support around feeling more confident through the weekly workshops you can join inside my new monthly membership, The Yoga Teacher Confidence Club. It’s just $29 a month and for that, you’ll get access to the workshops weekly and a teaching tools.
Join here: