The Sum of the parts makes up the Whole

I started this morning and I felt awful. My leg felt a little tight but that wasn’t it. My whole body felt heavy and slow. So, I started to add things up in my head: a really tough week at work; a really big cheeseburger for lunch yesterday ( I was craving...

Do you love your routine? If not, change it!

For those of you who are regular readers, you recall my post from yesterday when I saw this woman and got so caught up in her story, that I almost tripped on my run. Well, I saw her at the exact same place this morning! I laughed to myself, thinking how funny the...

Stay in your own space!

I was on my run this morning and at the start, I was running up behind this woman. She was dressed as if she was going to the gym but had a bunch of perfume on ( which I smelled as I approached her) hair, make-up, the whole bit. I started wondering why someone would...

Sweat Every Day!

When I logged into my computer this morning, the lead story on MSN is titled, “What makes us happy?” I had this thought in mind as I left for my run this morning. (yes, I know Mom, that I said I would only run three days this week and now I’m running...

The Prize is in the Process

One of my yoga teachers used to say this, and you may have heard this saying as well. It was so applicable to my run this morning. Coming back after this injury, or rather, trying to run somewhat through this injury, is really cause for me to re-evaluate my goals. No,...