You are unique

I went to a wedding yesterday. The bride and groom really made it their own. The setting, the vows, the officiant, the music, the table names all gave you a sense of who they are as individuals and together. It got me thinking about how unique everyone is while we...

Heading for the finish

I went for a run this morning at my old familiar morning running time. I felt like crap. Matter of fact, the past three runs have not felt so hot. Food choices the night before haven’t been so good, aches and pains have sprung up in new places and now, guess...

Stick to the plan

I ran last night on a full stomach. Did I ever tell you that it’s a bad idea? Remember when your mom would tell you not to go swimming until you’d waited one half hour after eating? Well, if you ate a big sandwich and french fries, add about three hours to...

Be comfortable with change

When I was growing up , I loved changing my room around. I’d spend hours organizing, rearranging furniture and then relished sitting in my new room, with a fresh perspective on how the same furniture looked and how organized everything was.I recently did the...