Ever hear that saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Do you believe that?

I guess it depends on your definition of “old.” I can share, as someone who’s well into her 50’s, there’s a lot I learn EVERY day and there are ways of being I have now that I never would have ever believed I could embody. Think about how many times you say to someone, “I’m the kind of person who….. ” or ” that’s not the kind of person I am.” Every time you say things like that, you’re basically saying to the world, “You can’t teach me any new tricks. The way I am.. this is IT!”

Now, if any of this resonates with you, take a few deep breaths. It’s okay and in fact the language that most people use falls into this pattern. And you know what? They don’t even REALIZE it! We use words and choose phrases that are just embedded in our memories and patterns and all they serve to do is limit how we show up to others AND to ourselves AND limit what we actually achieve. Know how? Because if you really believe all those things you say, you count yourself out of SO much in life. Take the person who says, “I’m not good at math.” Think they’d sign up for a program teaching them how to invest in real estate or how to maximize profit in the stock market or save money for your future? No way!

Or in my case, take the yoga teacher who’s tried to learn anatomy. They’ve tried and it hasn’t worked so they just keep telling themselves, “Anatomy is hard, it’s hard to learn and I don’t have the brain for it.” So, every time I offer enrollment in my program, they hear that inner voice and pass on the opportunity, even though deep inside, they might wonder, “What WOULD be possible if I actually started teaching from what I know, rather than repeating all those cues I picked up in training?”

What about the teacher who wants to really step into their power and teach to WHO they want, WHERE they want and HOW they want. They know there’s a special way they want to present yoga but they’re not sure how to get there OR if it’s even possible. In order to get there, they think, “Gosh, I’d have to be a totally different person to create that teaching path for myself!” So, days, months and years go by and of course, it doesn’t happen.

Bottom line: For something to change, YOU’VE got to change. And wouldn’t it be great to have some support along the way? Maybe a roadmap of sorts to map out in detail what you want, how you’re going to get there and what you need to help you do it?

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to be offering 10 teachers a chance to walk through a process that’ll map it all out for you. Based in neuroscience and its sister subject, neurolinguistic programming, it’s a time tested, well-used approach to map out your transformation. Now, in order to get one of these 10 spots, you’ll have to be on my VIP mailing list where I’ll be sharing the HOW (you can also follow me on Instagram too as I’ll share the details there). The dates of these sessions will be 1/9-1/14/22.

Now, one more thing: If you’re already counting yourself out because you don’t want to spend money, the first thing I’d say is “Aren’t you worth it?” And the second thing I’d say is this: It actually won’t cost you any money. These sessions will be complimentary however, if you’re just kicking the tires, don’t take up one of the limited spots.Only apply if you’re ready to put your best foot forward, keep an open mind and see what’s possible. If you don’t believe things are possible for you as a yoga teacher and you’re just going to have to keep things as they are, this isn’t the opportunity for you. But, if you’re ready to move forward, if the idea of mapping out your vision is exciting to you, if you’re open to learning and willing to put in the time, that you need to grab one of these spots.

That’s it!

Be part of my VIP mailing list right now by downloading anything on my home page. Those resources are designed for teachers and have been downloaded hundreds of times by teachers all over the world. Once you download something, that’ll get you on the list.

For now, spend the next few days in silent meditation each morning and ask yourself the question, “Who do I want to be as a teacher?” and see what comes up.

Got questions? Comment below!