As January comes to a close, did you set any milestones for your teaching and if so, how did you do?

Now, if the idea of setting milestones makes you cringe, I get it. Sometimes we can have the best laid plans and “life happens” and we find ourselves off track. That’s one of the feature of a milestone that people don’t talk about; it doesn’t mean they’re set in stone. It’s more important that we set them and then adjust them accordingly versus not setting any at all! Think about it; without milestones, we’re just living life at the whim of everyone else’s needs. I’m sure you, yes, you, the person reading this right now, has plenty to do that doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with your goals, plans and dreams and you could spend your days entirely focused on those things and never get to what YOU want to do!

If we live our life like that, not only will we never get where WE want to go; we’ll also lack the excitement and enthusiasm that comes with following your dreams. It doesn’t mean that we don’t still have responsibilities outside of our own goals and dreams; it just means that we leave time for both. And, if you’re reading this and thinking, “There’s no way! That’s not possible,” just think of any story of personal triumph and it always involves sacrifice. Staying up late to write that book; skipping vacation to stay at home and map out your next project.. whatever it is, when something is worth it, it’s worth the sacrifice.

So, if you’re up for it, take a few moments this weekend, as it’s the last weekend of the month and figure out what it is you want to do next in your role as a yoga teacher. Do you want to teach more or create a special program? Do you want to get on the schedule at a few local studios? Do you want to create an online course or write a book? Do you want to start a meditation group or a women’s yoga program?

Whatever it is, identifying what it is you want is the first step. From there, there are a few other critical steps needed in the process before you even take a step forward. These other features help you evaluate your goal closely so that you’re sure you’re on the right track and the time you spend will be worth it.

If you’re interested in running through this evaluation process, called the “Well Formed Outcome,” let me know. It’s a 5 step process that’s wonderful for evaluating any goal. I can walk you through the process in about an hour. Just leave a comment below (it doesn’t matter where you’re at in the calendar; the WFO process works any time of the year!).

Remember, with a little dedication and focus, anything is possible!