How do you keep your focus?

Has this been a trying week for you? It certainly has for me. I got an email today from the organizers of the Baystate Marathon and realized it’s only two months away!How do you keep your head about you when all around you are losing theirs?I read that in one of...

The first run "post" race

The first run after a hard race is always interesting. Tonight I just did a 30 minute loop. Everything feels good.Things are really hard these days to keep in balance. I had to wait to run until much later than I prefer. But I kept thinking that letting these other...

Get inspired!

Wanna get inspired to run? Watch this: two links are to the same thing: The Nike Courage commercial. The first one is the ad on youtube; the second, on the Nike site.

On the eve of greatness

Today was the first day of the Olympic Games. The “eve” of greatness has already happened in Beijing, what with the 12 hour time difference, but for those of us that did not watch the internet today, tonight’s Olympic games ( which started at 8:08 on...