Setting milestones for your teaching

Setting milestones for your teaching

As January comes to a close, did you set any milestones for your teaching and if so, how did you do? Now, if the idea of setting milestones makes you cringe, I get it. Sometimes we can have the best laid plans and “life happens” and we find ourselves off...
A fresh look for your teaching

A fresh look for your teaching

I can remember many years ago, when I was just starting out as a teacher, I was asked for an interview. A local reporter was looking for people who had left their corporate job to pursue their passion and I qualified, having recently left a consulting job to teach...

Ten Healthy Habits To Start in the New Year

When we head into the New Year, we’re usually filled with lots of motivation to make healthy changes. But we usually approach making those changes with sheer willpower rather than searching out new ways of bringing more health into our life. I’ve assembled...